Pin-up Princess Dress up Game
Dress Up


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Pin-up Princess
Pin-up Princess Dress up - Exclusive

With this dress up game, you can create vintage actresses and pin-ups, and even imagine what some of your favorite princesses would look like in this fashion style. Choose from classic hairstyles which many icons have emulated as well, such as Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Brigitte Bardot, Rapunzel, Belle, Jasmine, and more, and design outfits tailored to their personalities. If you love cute clothes, ensembles that are simple while feminine and seductive, this game was created for you!

  Tip: the red bows on top of menu pages are shortcuts for page 1 (the face) and the last page (background/Save/Reset).
Pin-up Princess Dress up
Cat and flower design